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hospital bed near the glass window

man and woman studying at a park

building photography

Innovative Technology Powering Flexible Solutions

Delco Security is a national Master Systems Integrator (MSI), dedicated to delivering cutting-edge and adaptable system solutions. Our expertise lies in aligning and integrating operational technology with our clients’ unique facility requirements and evolving needs.

The technology that powers our solutions is constantly evolving. At the forefront of what we do is using technology to mitigate risk for individuals and facilities. That’s why we create solutions that adapt, evolve, and leverage the ongoing advancements in technology.

Mark Peterson, Vice President

Wandering Resident: In the Long-term Care Environment

Watch how integrated disparate systems ensure resident safety and support staff

Leaders in Technology Driven Solutions

Technology Partners

Our specialized approach is driven by the deployment of innovative technology in our solutions. By working agnostically with a range of cutting-edge technology partners, we help our clients bridge the gap between disparate systems.

Customized and Adaptable

Our team creates solutions tailored to the unique needs of our customers, making it our top priority to deliver results that not only meet building requirements and standards but also address their specific facility needs.

Enhanced Connectivity and Efficiency

By leveraging the latest technological advancements, we enhance user experience, boost ROI, improve operational efficiency, and establish unparalleled building connectivity.